Activity’s step-by-step description:
1. Make groups of 4 or 5 participants. Each group represents a communication company: their team has been recruited by an architect’s office to create a bunch of informative and promotional communication tools in order to show it off.
Each group needs to create:
- an audio message or a radio advert,
- a slogan,
- a poster. 
They have 25 minutes to work on these tools. They should be organized, creative and productive!
2. At the end of the time limit, each group presents its proposal to the other participants.
3. The facilitator discusses with all participants the strategies adopted by each group to accomplish the task.



Necessary materials:
Paper, color papers, pens, markers, magazines (to cut out photos, images,...), glue, scissors, smartphone (for the recording of the audio message).

Emotional competencies that will be developed:
Interpersonal and intrapersonal: Creativity, time management, cooperation, collective brainstorming.

Emotional skills that will be developed:
AWARENESS: Self-identification of own skills, Awareness of others’ skills.
MANAGEMENT: Management of own resources towards problem-solving, Resilience, Coaching, Cooperation, Proactivity.

Key terms / special vocabulary about / during the activity:

Preparation (what needs to be prepared beforehand to make the activity’s implementation successful):

Final observations and methodological recommendations towards the activity’s implementation (do’s and don’ts):
Instructions: 10 minutes
Group Work: 25 minutes
Debriefing: 30 minutes

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

Type of activity: intrapersonal & interpersonal

Number of participants: 20 max. (groups of 4-5)

Participants’ academic profile(s): irrelevant

Participants’ average age: from 15 years old

Duration: 1 hour

The facilitator could ask a few follow-up questions in order to assess the activity’s results:
- How did you feel during the activity?
- Have you discovered anything new about yourself? About others?
- How did you divide the tasks among the members of your group? What was the role of each member of your group? What was the main difficulty for your group?