GIP - FTLV de Bourgogne  Pôle Europe-Internationa   Site campus - 3, avenue Alain Savary  21000 DIJON        Tél. +33 (0)3 45 62 76 38 



 GIP - FTLV de Bourgogne  Pôle Europe-Internationa   Site campus - 3, avenue Alain Savary  21000 DIJON        Tél. +33 (0)3 45 62 76 38 

APRIL 2022

DIGI LIVES: An Innovative European Project

The GIP-FTLV of Bourgogne is participating in a new Erasmus+ project focused on inclusion and educational technology to create innovative resources for preventing school dropout in Europe.

This Erasmus+ project aims to establish an inclusive and diverse educational environment, utilizing innovative digital approaches to prevent school dropout in Europe.

Introducing the Erasmus+ project DIGI LIVES: Educational Technology for Inclusion and Diversity to Combat School Dropout.

The collaborative Erasmus+ project "DIGI LIVES" is an innovative ERASMUS+ initiative that reimagines education by integrating new technologies to promote inclusion and diversity in educational settings. This project brings together partners from Denmark, France, Latvia, and Italy, united with a common goal: preventing school dropout.

An innovative digital toolkit for an inclusive educational environment
The goal of "DIGI LIVES" is to develop a digital toolkit focused on life-coping management. Special attention is given to the well-being of learners. The innovative concept of digital life-coping is based on a preventive approach to school dropout that encompasses all students and emphasizes the non-technical skills of students.

A multidisciplinary consortium for sustainable impact

This partnership project brings together various educational institutions, vocational training establishments, researchers, and software developers. Different phases of the project revolve around the development, testing, design, and finally, the production of the digital toolkit.
Participant panels (students, teachers, trainers) play a key role throughout the process. They actively contribute to the co-creation of tools, testing phases, and the final implementation.
Two meetings took place during the 2022-2023 academic year in Italy and Denmark. The next transnational seminar will be held in Dijon at the GIP-FTLV of Bourgogne in partnership with supporting institutions (Lycées Castel and Vauban).