GIP - FTLV de Bourgogne  Pôle Europe-Internationa   Site campus - 3, avenue Alain Savary  21000 DIJON        Tél. +33 (0)3 45 62 76 38 



 GIP - FTLV de Bourgogne  Pôle Europe-Internationa   Site campus - 3, avenue Alain Savary  21000 DIJON        Tél. +33 (0)3 45 62 76 38 

“NEAR in Europe” transnational meeting in Barcelona 



The “NEAR in Europe” project team is going to Barcelona for the second seminar.

The second transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project "NEAR in Europe", dedicated to the European mobility of apprentices, took place in Barcelona on 20-21 February 2020.



The partners met in order to take stock of the project's progress and to prepare the future activities.

The seminar was hosted by one of the two Spanish partners of the project, M&M Profuture Training, S.L.

One of the strong points of this meeting was the "soft skills", an important element of the "NEAR in Europe" project. Indeed, beyond technical skills, "soft skills", also called "social" or "behavioural" skills, are a major issue for companies and thus for young people in training who will soon be entering the job market. In addition to technical know-how, employers are looking for these "soft skills" such as team spirit, creativity, motivation, etc.

The project partners have therefore decided to raise awareness among teachers and trainers of the importance of "soft skills" during learning in general and in particular during the periods of work placements in companies, especially if they take place abroad.

Thus, several workshops were organized during the seminar in Barcelona, with the support of the Spanish partner and TalentCampus, an associated partner of the project, in order to allow participants to experiment with the techniques of "soft skills" development, with the aim to use them later in their work with pupils.


The project team has also finalized the preparation of the first apprentice mobilities planned for March and April 2020*. And on this occasion, the transnational team has chosen the project logo:













* Due to government restrictions related to coronavirus, the apprentice mobilities of all partners have been postponed.