GIP - FTLV de Bourgogne  Pôle Europe-Internationa   Site campus - 3, avenue Alain Savary  21000 DIJON        Tél. +33 (0)3 45 62 76 38 



 GIP - FTLV de Bourgogne  Pôle Europe-Internationa   Site campus - 3, avenue Alain Savary  21000 DIJON        Tél. +33 (0)3 45 62 76 38 

The consortium of the ERASMUS+ project "H.E.A.L: new Habits to develop European Ambition for professional Learners brings together several vocational high schools of the Dijon academy and the inspectors of the health and social sector, initiators of the project, accompanied by the Europe-International department of the GIP-FTLV de Bourgogne, coordinator of the project.


This project was designed on an inter-academic level and in consortium with 10 high schools of the Dijon academy (public and private vocational high schools) with the aim of encouraging the European mobility of students in the health and social sector through the professionalization of the teachers themselves on this issue. 


These students, most of whom come from rural areas, are not very mobile. Moreover, their geographical remoteness does not facilitate this mobility and hinders their cultural openness. Their further studies are strongly conditioned by the proximity of schools to the detriment of their real motivations. Based on this observation, it seems essential to help these young people to "open up to new horizons", as the Rector wished in the "Letter of Education in Burgundy". The part 1 of the academic plan also stresses the importance of taking into account the specificity of rural areas and the diversity of pupils to help them develop their autonomy and encourage ambitious career paths.


Offering training periods in European companies to the health and social sector students will support their openness, strengthen their skills and thus their employability.

However, it emerged from the preliminary survey that the teaching staff themselves needed to be trained on the issue of student mobility. Indeed, it is clear that there are still many obstacles, including a lack of knowledge or too superficial knowledge of the social, political, cultural and economic background of the European Union’s countries; poor skills in foreign languages also reinforce the apprehension of teachers about sending students abroad.


This is why teachers of Biotechnology, Health and Environment (B.S.E.) and Technical Medical and Social Sciences (S.T.M.S.), teaching in the vocational “baccalauréat” programmes Support, Care and Services to individuals (A.S.S.P.) and/or Proximity services and Local life (S.S.L.) decided to be part of this voluntary approach and to participate in a European mobility in order to acquire new skills and, in the long term, to promote and organize themselves Professional Training Periods in Europe for their students. This desire is in line with the part 3 of the 2018-2022 academic plan "Dijon, a learning academy", one of the main objectives of which is to encourage an international openness.


Therefore, thirty teachers, spread over 10 high schools in the health and social sector, will go on a 14-day mobility in 7 European countries. The mobility concerns "staff training" and it will take the form of traineeships called "job shadowing". It will allow them to develop language skills, but also to foster a rich exchange of practices, thus improving their professional skills and enriching their teaching practices. It will also be an opportunity to apprehend the diversity and strengths of each partner (programmes, work-based training, certifications, implemented actions and means), to analyze educational methods and to adopt innovative teaching practices, particularly in terms of evaluation. In addition, this project will make it possible to develop cross-disciplinary skills in order to enrich teaching practices and discover other cultures in order to adapt to different possible situations, particularly in the context of the fight against school drop-out.

H.E.A.L.: new Habits to develop European Ambition for professional Learners“ 

Programme: Erasmus+ Staff mobility in vocational education and training

Theme: European mobility development of Health and Social sector

Duration: October 2019 - Present