GIP - FTLV de Bourgogne  Pôle Europe-Internationa   Site campus - 3, avenue Alain Savary  21000 DIJON        Tél. +33 (0)3 45 62 76 38 



 GIP - FTLV de Bourgogne  Pôle Europe-Internationa   Site campus - 3, avenue Alain Savary  21000 DIJON        Tél. +33 (0)3 45 62 76 38 

Programme: Erasmus+ School staff mobility

Theme: Internationalization of schools and high schools of the academy of Dijon

Duration: September 2018 - Present

M.A.D.E. in Bourgogne 2018-2020 

Mobility of the Academy of Dijon in Europe” 

The Erasmus+ project "M.A.D.E. in Bourgogne" was born with the Dijon academy's desire to promote a dynamic of European culture among teachers and pedagogical staff in all secondary schools, but at the same time among the various groups of "decision-makers" in school education: school management staff, inspection and guidance bodies and all those involved in academic policy.

Thus, under the strong impetus of the rector of the academy and the new academic plan 2018-2022, the GIP-FTLV de Bourgogne has decided to initiate a "cross-category" academic project with the support of the DAREIC (Academic Delegate for European and International Relations), in order to promote the openness to Europe and internationalization of schools and high schools. 

Thus, coordinated by the Europe-International department of the GIP, a consortium of 28 schools and high schools of the academy was created: 200 mobilities were proposed to the staff, spread over more than 20 European countries and covering a variety of themes (early school leaving, European citizenship, school climate, inclusive school, kindness at school or innovation in teaching).

These mobilities help to improve the professional, social and intercultural skills of teachers and supervisors by supporting them in their pedagogical choices and decision-making. In addition to professional development, they are an opportunity to train staff to foster the European mobility of their pupils and broaden their prospects for personal projects. 

The opening-up of learning and training paths to Europe must be based on a strong will of management staff and their teams; it is important to support access to these European programmes in order to facilitate their systematic integration into learning curriculums.

The "MADE in Bourgogne" project is thus part of the “Europe 2020” strategy, which aims at making European openness a priority for future generations in order to acquire new skills and develop a sense of active European citizenship, while defending the fundamental values of democracy. European mobility is the cornerstone of the internationalization and modernization of education and the main tool for strengthening the European area in line with the 2020 Strategy and towards 2030.